uHuntJia is a modified version of Felix Halim's uHunt components and is an unofficial companion website of Art of Algorithms and Programming Contests (算法競賽入門經典) series. The most significant difference between uHunt and uHuntJia is the programming exercise section, which is replaced to problems sets for the AOAPC series.
To submit your solution, use UVa Quick Submit.
For uHunt visitors who mistakenly get here, this is your true destination.
For source code of uHuntJia, click here.
Your UVa username:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the meaning of the colors on some problem numbers?
A: The problem number will will be colored
Red if it was last submitted less than 2 days ago,
Green for less than 1 week ago,
Blue for less than 1 month ago,
Orange if the problem is not yet Accepted,
otherwise, Black.
In the ChatBox and in the Live Submissions, some problem numbers will be
underlined if you have solved the problem.
The bold problem numbers in the statistics denotes that
the runtime of your submission is equal to the best runtime (rank 1 of that problem).